
  • Committees

    The Mechanical Trade Contractors of Arizona (MTCAZ) Board of Directors has established five standing committees to support the social, educational and legislative needs of the HVAC-R industry and appoints additional task forces as needed to address the changing needs of the association. Each Committee has specific objectives and seeks to coordinate its efforts with other industry trade associations and/or government entities with complimentary goals.

    Events & Charities Committee
    This committee is responsible for development and implementation of social events for the association, as well as membership meetings. The committee also selects and monitors community service and charitable programs undertaken during the year.

    Industry Training Committee
    This committee discusses, plans and promotes various education and training programs for MTCAZ members and the industry. Training course subjects include business management, financial management, technician certification (NATE, refrigerant recovery), technical training, legal and human resources. Programs are scheduled throughout the year.

    Membership Committee
    This committee is responsible for membership development, retention and management of membership benefits and benefit partners. They are also responsible for the Product Directory, the development of marketing campaigns, website development and the member referral program.

    Public Policy Committee
    This committee works on national and state legislative and regulatory issues affecting the construction industry.  MTCAZ is a member of the Construction Trade Coalition.  CTC has a hired lobbyist who represents small business and construction issues at the Arizona State Capitol. The committee also supports the efforts of National ACCA on federal legislation.

    Member of the Year Task Force
    This task force promotes nominations for, and selects the winners of, the MTCAZ Member of the Year. This task force is appointed by the Events and Charities Committee. These awards are presented at the Annual Awards Dinner.

    MTCAZ encourages member involvement through participation on any of the committees or taskforces. Member-based committees play an important role in achieving an effective and progressive association and are a vital part of the association’s operations.

    There are some basic purposes to utilizing a committee and advantages to be gained. Bringing together a cross section of member knowledge and experience, an effective committee can generate qualified group judgment and continuity of thinking. The committee’s ability to provide direct member involvement ensures that MTCAZ truly represents its members.

    Committee seats are limited, in some cases, and require approval by the Executive Director. Terms of service are normally one year. Each committee usually meets at least three to six times per year.

    We invite you and your key employees to become involved in MTCAZ. As a dues paying member, you are encouraged to take full advantage of all that is available to you. Increase the value of your membership and make a serious contribution to your industry.

    You can let us know your interest in joining a committee by calling the MTCAZ office at (602) 298-5454.


MTCAZ Tradeshow

Contact us


1904 W. Mountain View Rd.

Phoenix, Arizona 85021

P: (602) 298-5454
F: (602) 298-5455